Frequently Asked Questions

A type of genetic test that looks at how an individual’s genes could affect their responses to different medications.

A type of genetic test that looks at how an individual’s genes could affect their responses to different medications.

Genetic counseling is consultation with healthcare providers specially trained in genetics to help individuals understand how their DNA or genetic makeup affects their risk for health conditions, their response to medications and other health-related factors. 

Participation in this program is free. Participants will not be billed for the test or for any counseling with PGx experts.

There are no serious risks to PGx testing, either physically or medically. Individuals may experience:

  • Anxiety waiting for the PGx test results to arrive.
  • Frustration or disappointment if your results do not provide all of the answers you were hoping to learn about how your body responds to certain drugs.

It is important to remember that you have access to genetic experts to discuss any concerns, and you will also have access to supplemental information and educational resources.

At this point in the program, family members are not eligible for PGx testing.

At InformedDNA, your privacy is of utmost importance to us. When you use our services, you trust us with significant personal details, and safeguarding that information is a top priority. Your genetic data will not be disclosed to employers, insurance companies, public databases, third-party marketers or anyone else without your explicit consent. We empower you with complete control over how your information is utilized and who it is shared with.

We maintain a robust data security program, adhering to strict industry data protection standards. All sensitive information is encrypted, and regular assessments are conducted to detect and address security vulnerabilities and threats. We do not divulge individual-level personal information to law enforcement unless compelled by a court order, subpoena, search warrant, or other legally valid requests.

Please click here if you would like more information on your rights and our responsibilities.

Informed consent is a legal term that means a person is fully aware of the facts of a situation (such as a surgical procedure) before agreeing to it. You will be asked to give consent to PGx testing. The form will include all of the pertinent information you need to know in order to make an “informed” decision such as: what the test is, risks and limitations of the test, how your data is stored, etc. Nothing moves forward until your consent is given.

Once you collect your at-home saliva sample and mail it in the pre-paid envelope you received with your test kit, it goes to the Fulgent lab, InformedDNA’s lab partner for PGx testing. At the lab, your DNA is extracted from your sample and is then checked for the specific genetic changes as indicated on the test. This data is analyzed and interpreted by the lab staff. The lab staff then write a technical report summarizing your test results.

InformedDNA will review the lab’s technical report and describe the important findings in a custom individual summary report for you. This user-friendly report allows you to better understand what your results show about how you metabolize the prescription drugs you take now or may take in the future. Both reports will be available in your patient portal, the secure web hub you’ll access for all of your PGx test-related information, activities, and communications. You will be asked to identify your healthcare provider(s) that you want to also receive your reports so they can use them to help make decisions about your current and future medications.

If your results suggest action should be considered, like your doctor changing a medication, you will be encouraged to meet online with an InformedDNA PGx expert. If no action is needed but you still have questions after reading your summary report, you can also meet with an expert.

Once the lab receives your sample, it will take approximately 4 weeks for your results to be available in the portal.
When you enroll in the PGx program you will be able to list which healthcare provider(s) should receive your results. The healthcare provider(s) you select will get the lab’s technical report. They will also get the user-friendly individual summary report you receive. This will ensure your healthcare providers are able to discuss your results with you and appropriately manage your medications now and in the future.

At any point in the process, if you need assistance or are unsure what to do, InformedDNA’s Patient Care team is ready to help. Simply send an email to or call (888) 526-3601.

If you lose or misplace your test, please contact InformedDNA’s Patient Care team by email at or call (888) 526-360.